73 research outputs found

    Lähi-kaugseire meetodite arendamine veekogude seisundi hindamiseks

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Veekogude kvaliteedi hindamine on inimkonnale oluline olnud juba tuhandeid aastaid ja viimastel aastakümnetel on rohkem tähelepanu hakatud pöörama ka veekogude ökoloogilisele seisundile. Euroopas on veekogude kvaliteedi hindamise aluseks kaks dokumenti: Euroopa Liidu Vee Raamdirektiiv ja Euroopa Liidu Merestrateegia Raamdirektiiv. Mõlemad dokumendid sätestavad, et aastaks 2020 tuleb Euroopa Liidu veekogudes saavutada „hea“ seisund. Nende eesmärkide täitmiseks tuleb regulaarselt veekogude seisundit seirata. Kuivõrd kõikidelt veekogudelt veeproovide võtmine ja laboris analüüsimine ei ole võimalik (liigne raha ja tööjõukulu) ning lisaks ei anna sellised proovid ülevaadet veekogu seisundi parameetrite ruumilise jaotuse kohta tuleb appi võtta optilised instrumendid. Lisaks välitöödel kasutatavale optikale on Copernicus programmi raames järgnevatel aastakümnetel kättesaadav ka mitu erinevat satelliiditulemit. Nende tulemite kasutamiseks peab aga pidevalt nende täpsust hindama ja leidma täpsemaid arvutusmeetmeid, mis sobiksid konkreetsete parameetrite hindamiseks. Töö käigus tõestati, et vee optilised omadused, nagu neeldumine ja hajumine, varieeruvad Läänemere rannikuosas rohkem, kui on variatsioon ranniku ja mere keskosa vahel. Lisaks absoluutväärtuste erinevusele tuvastati ka spektraalse kuju muutusi eri piirkondade vahel. Tõestati, et elektromagnetkiirguse lähisinfrapuna piirkonda saab rakendada veekogude seires (tavaliselt eeldatakse, et selles spektripiirkonnas on veest tulev signaal null) ja eriti on see kasulik ohtralt lahustunud orgaanikat sisaldavate järvede seires. Testiti ja pakuti välja sobivaid kaugseire algoritme Läänemere vee kvaliteedi parameetrite hindamiseks. Analüüsiti erinevate spektromeetrite tulemuste varieeruvust ja leiti, et mõõtmisprotokolli korrektsel jälgimisel on erinevate sensorite tulemused küll erinevad, ent seire teostamiseks piisavalt sarnased. Lõpetuseks uuriti, millised on erinevate käsispektromeetrite potentsiaalsed rakendused.Knowing the quality of different waterbodies has been essential for human kind for thousands of years. There are two main European Union’s documents guiding the status assessment of water bodies: Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Both of these documents state that all waterbodies in the European Union have to achieve “good” status by the year 2020. In order to fulfil this requirement, water bodies have to be monitored in regular bases. It is impossible to collect laboratory samples from every waterbody as it would be too expensive and would require many workers and still wouldn’t provide information about the spatial distribution of water quality parameters within each waterbody. Optical instruments can provide data fast and over larger areas and therefore have to be included in the monitoring programs. In addition to devices used at the in situ measurements are several satellite products that are available through Copernicus program for the coming decades. These products must, however, be constantly validated with in situ measurements. Additionally, new calculation methods have to be developed to improve the results precision. During this thesis, the variability of optical properties (like absorption and scattering) was assessed in the Baltic Sea. It was studied how much this variability influences the reflectance signal that reaches water remote sensing instruments. The performance of different set-ups and protocols of field spectrometers to collect reflectance data was assessed. The possibility to use near-infrared part of the spectrum in water remote sensing was investigated. In extreme absorbing lakes this is the only part of radiation providing us information about the water properties, but it proved to be useful also in other waterbodies. The performance of many remote sensing algorithms in retrieving water quality parameters in the Baltic Sea was tested. The possible applications for hand-held spectrometers were investigated

    Planet transit and stellar granulation detection with interferometry

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    Aims. We used realistic three-dimensional (3D) radiative hydrodynamical (RHD) simulations from the Stagger-grid and synthetic images computed with the radiative transfer code Optim3D to provide interferometric observables to extract the signature of stellar granulation and transiting planets. Methods. We computed intensity maps from RHD simulations for twelve interferometric instruments covering wavelengths ranging from optical to infrared. The stellar surface asymmetries in the brightness distribution mostly affect closure phases. We compared the closure phases of the system star with a transiting planet and the star alone and considered the impact of magnetic spots constructing a hypothetical starspots image. Results. All the simulations show departure from the axisymmetric case at all wavelengths. We presented two possible targets (Beta Com and Procyon) and found that departures up to 16 deg can be detected on the 3rd lobe and higher. In particular, MIRC is the most appropriate instrument because it combines good UV coverage and long baselines. Moreover, we explored the impact of convection on interferometric planet signature for three prototypes of planets. It is possible to disentangle the signature of the planet at particular wavelengths (either in the infrared or in the optical) by comparing the closure phases of the star at difference phases of the planetary transit. Conclusions. The detection and characterisation of planets must be based on a comprehensive knowledge of the host star; this includes the detailed study of the stellar surface convection with interferometric techniques. In this context, RHD simulations are crucial to reach this aim. We emphasize that interferometric observations should be pushed at high spatial frequencies by accumulating observations on closure phases at short and long baselines.Comment: accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 13 pages. Some figures have reduced resolution to decrease the size of the output file. Please contact [email protected] to have the high resolution version of the pape

    Planet transit and stellar granulation detection with interferometry: Using the three-dimensional stellar atmosphere S tagger -grid simulations

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    Context. Stellar activity and, in particular, convection-related surface structures, potentially cause bias in planet detection and characterisation. In the latter, interferometry can help disentangle the signal of the transiting planet. Aims. We used realistic three-dimensional (3D) radiative hydrodynamical (RHD) simulations from the Stagger-grid and synthetic images computed with the radiative transfer code Optim3D to provide interferometric observables to extract the signature of stellar granulation and transiting planets. Methods. We computed intensity maps from RHD simulations and produced synthetic stellar disk images as a nearby observer would see, thereby accounting for the centre-to-limb variations. We did this for twelve interferometric instruments covering wavelengths ranging from optical to infrared. We chose an arbitrary date and arbitrary star with coordinates, and this ensures observability throughout the night. This optimisation of observability allows for a broad coverage of spatial frequencies. The stellar surface asymmetries in the brightness distribution mostly affect closure phases, because of either convection-related structures or a faint companion. We then computed closure phases for all images and compared the system star with a transiting planet and the star alone. We considered the impact of magnetic spots with the construction of a hypothetical starspot image and compared the resulting closure phases with the system star that has a transiting planet. Results. We analysed the impact of convection at different wavelengths. All the simulation depart from the axisymmetric case (closure phases not equal to 0 or ± π) at all wavelengths. The levels of asymmetry and inhomogeneity of stellar disk images reach high values with stronger effects from the 3rd visibility lobe on. We present two possible targets (Beta Com and Procyon) either in the visible or in the infrared and find that departures up to 16° can be detected on the 3rd lobe and higher. In particular, MIRC is the most appropriate instrument because it combines good UV coverage and long baselines. Moreover, we explored the impact of convection on interferometric planet signature for three prototypes of planets with sizes corresponding to one hot Jupiter, one hot Neptune, and a terrestrial planet. The signature of the transiting planet in the closure phase is mixed with the signal due to the convection-related surface structures, but it is possible to disentangle it at particular wavelengths (either in the infrared or in the optical) by comparing the closure phases of the star at difference phases of the planetary transit. It must be noted that starspots caused by the magnetic field may pollute the granulation and the transiting planet signals. However, it is possible to differentiate the transiting planet signal because the time scale of a planet crossing the stellar disk is much smaller than the typical rotational modulation of a star. Conclusions. Detection and characterisation of planets must be based on a comprehensive knowledge of the host star, and this includes the detailed study of the stellar surface convection with interferometric techniques. In this context, RHD simulations are crucial for this aim. We emphasise that interferometric observations should be pushed at high spatial frequencies by accumulating observations on closure phases at short and long baselines

    Copernicus Cal/Val synergy among current and future optical missions

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    Operational Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) is required to ensure the quality of and build confidence in Copernicus data. However, current Cal/Val activities are limited and insufficiently harmonized between different missions. The objective of the Copernicus H2020 Cal/Val Solution (CCVS) project is to define a holistic solution for all Copernicus Sentinel missions to overcome current limitations both for current and upcoming Sentinel-missions. This includes improved calibration of currently operational or planned Copernicus Sentinel sensors and the validation of Copernicus core products generated by the payload ground segment. CCVS started with an overview of existing calibration and validation sources and means, identified gaps in the current cal/val practise and is proposing long-term solutions to address the currently existing constraints in the Cal/Val domain. An objective is also to exploit existing synergies between the missions. The analysis performed within the CCVS project is based on experience from many experts in the Cal/Val domain and on feedback from different working groups gathering European Space Agencies, Copernicus Services, measurement networks and International partners. This presentation will give an overall assessment of Copernicus Cal/Val maturity in the optical mission component both for sensor calibration and characterization and for product quality. Required developments in terms of technologies and instrumentation, Cal/Val methods, instrumented sites and dissemination service are addressed. One of our findings is the need for ground-based hyperspectral reference measurements in particular to prepare the validation of CHIME

    Differences in microbial community structure and nitrogen cycling in natural and drained tropical peatland soils

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    Funding Information: This was supported by the Estonian Research Council (grant IUT2-16); and the EU through the European Regional Development Fund through Centre of Excellence EcolChange and the European Social Fund (Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology). We would like to thank the PhD students participating in the field works.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    H2020 Copernicus CalVal Solution CCVS

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    The objective of the Copernicus H2020 Cal/Val Solution (CCVS) project is to define a holistic solution for all Copernicus Sentinel missions to overcome current limitations for both current and upcoming Sentinel-missions. This includes improved calibration of currently operational or planned Copernicus Sentinel sensors and the validation of Copernicus core products generated by the payload ground segment. While high-resolution optical missions are out of scope of the project, most of the recommendations coming from the project could be applicable or beneficial to these missions. This presentation will focus on those aspects and highlight possible synergies between Copernicus missions and high-resolution missions. The first aspect concerns R&D on models. Models of natural targets (PICS, Moon, Deep Convective Clouds) need to be further improved in terms of spectral coverage, SI traceability and uncertainty estimates. Validation methodologies using models of complex scenes (e.g. urban or vegetated scenes) with 3D Radiative Transfer should be developed. Progress on atmospheric Radiative Transfer Models is critical to improve uncertainty of surface reflectance measurements. Development of open-source models and cross-comparison activities should be encouraged, and community-agreed guidelines on best practices for modelling should be issued. Validation of surface reflectance is currently limited by the lack of suitable reference measurements (FRM). The CCVS project supports the development of an operational network of automatic hyperspectral radiometers on a set of representative and fully characterized sites (including BRDF and spatial homogeneity). The measurements should be SI traceable and provided with uncertainties. These sites should be regularly compared with a well characterised travelling standard that is controlled by across network body. Such network could be of interest for VHR-missions for the radiometry CalVal activities. Regarding geometry CalVal, in addition to the project support of a public reference grid such as the Sentinel-2 GRI at Level-1C, the project identified a lack of suitable geometric reference for nigh-time thermal infra-red imaging. R&D activities should explore the possible use of reference features such as gas flares or contrasted scenes (water/land interfaces). Finally, the reliability of cloud and cloud shadow masks is an important factor for the quality of optical surface measurements. Therefore, any improvement on the masking algorithms would be an asset to the VHR-missions products. To achieve this objective, it could be useful to develop a public cloud mask reference database and to harmonize validation methodologies

    Soil Bacterial and Archaeal Communities and Their Potential to Perform N-Cycling Processes in Soils of Boreal Forests Growing on Well-Drained Peat

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by the Estonian Forest Management Centre, the Estonian Research Council grants PRG548, PRG916, and PRG352, WaterJPI-JC-2018_13 project, and Centres of Excellence Environ and EcolChange.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Copernicus Cal/Val Solution - D2.4 - Systematic Ground-Based Measurements

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    This document aims to map different existing ground-based and air-borne instrumented Cal/Val sites and networks acquiring measurements in a systematic manner, in Europe and worldwide. It does not include all available Cal/Val networks but only those that we interviewed or had enough information available online to include in this report. To meet the needs of satellite Cal/Val, measurements one must adhere to the definition for a Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM)(Giuseppe Zibordi et al. 2014) and to the principles of the Quality Assurance framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO 2010). The scope of this document is not to evaluate the quality or maturity of the networks/sites that were being interviewed. It only maps the current situation and serves as an input for a later stage of the project. The completed questionnaires that we used to collect the data assembled in this report are not added directly to the document but will be available for project partners for next stage analyses

    A Holistic Perspective on the Calibration and Validation of Sentinel-2 L2A products: Contribution From the CCVS Project

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    In this presentation, we report on the preliminary findings of the H2020 project “Copernicus Cal/Val Solution” (CCVS), whose objective is to define a holistic solution to the cal/val of the Copernicus Sentinel missions. We focus more specifically on synergies of the Sentinel-2 mission with other Sentinel or third-party missions, in terms of cal/val requirements as well as reference data sources. Regarding the first aspect, CCVS will consolidate cal/val requirements for all missions with a unified approach. For instance, we compare validation requirements for Sentinel-2 L2A AOD and Water Vapour products to other optical missions like Sentinel-3 OLCI and SLSTR, as well as atmospheric composition missions. In addition, user-driven inter-operability requirements could lead to specific calibration or validation needs. A first example concerns the radiometric inter-calibration between Sentinel-2A and B, which could be ensured with better accuracy than the absolute calibration of either satellites. Geometric co-registration with other optical missions like Landsat could be also monitored. In terms of data sources, CCVS will first establish a survey of existing sources, including natural targets and in-situ data acquired in the frame of systematic measurement programs or ad-hoc campaigns. In a second step, we investigate potential data sources needed for calibration and validation, with a specific focus on directional surface reflectance and cloud mask